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Derby Middle School

LEW1's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of LEW1's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

In Flowers for Algernon, Charlie Gordon, the protagonist of the story, seemed happier at the beginning than at the end. Although his IQ was lower than it should’ve been, he didn’t let it bother him. He thought he had good friends, a good job, and liked school. His low intelligence gave him reason to want to become smarter, allowing him to become the best of his class. Because of this determination, Miss Kinnian recommended him for a special lobotomy operation. For months he worked with Drs. Strauss and Nemon, preparing and testing him for when the time came for the operation. After the operation happened, Charlie became extremely smart over time. Soon, though, he began to study his lab rat friend, Algernon. He made observations and a hypothesis. Charlie predicted that Algernon would die because the operation damaged him. He also realized that he himself would become damaged because of the operation as well. Over time, he started to forget memories, grammar lessons, becoming the way he was before. Instead of being happy and oblivious, he became frustrated and angry, mad that he could not fight the damage. In the end, Charlie was not as happy as he was at the beginning.

2 points

In Flowers for Algernon, Charlie Gordon, the protagonist of the story, seemed happier at the beginning than at the end. Although his IQ was lower than it should’ve been, he didn’t let it bother him. He thought he had good friends, a good job, and liked school. His low intelligence gave him reason to want to become smarter, allowing him to become the best of his class. Because of this determination, Miss Kinnian recommended him for a special lobotomy operation. For months he worked with Drs. Strauss and Nemon, preparing and testing him for when the time came for the operation. After the operation happened, Charlie became extremely smart over time. Soon, though, he began to study his lab rat friend, Algernon. He made observations and a hypothesis. Charlie predicted that Algernon would die because the operation damaged him. He also realized that he himself would become damaged because of the operation as well. Over time, he started to forget memories, grammar lessons, becoming the way he was before. Instead of being happy and oblivious, he became frustrated and angry, mad that he could not fight the damage. In the end, Charlie was not as happy as he was at the beginning.

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