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Derby Middle School

Aaz3's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

In the beginning of Flowers for Algernon, Charlie Gordon seemed happier than in the end. Although Charlie’s operation was successful and served its purpose, it wasn’t permanent. His low IQ didn’t bother him, but made him want to learn more. By attending Miss Kinnian’s night classes for slow adults he gradually learned to read and write. Even though his reading and writing were still too low, it pleased him to actually be improving. When Charlie was recommended for a lobotomy he was ecstatic to have a chance in increasing intelligence. After the operation he didn’t notice the improvement in his intelligence. He did notice that when he went back to work several of his so called “friends” bullied him and made jokes about “Pulling a Charlie.” Charlie understood more and felt more pain when unfortunate thing happened. His lack of knowledge was an advantage to him for some time because it shielded him from the realities of the world.

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