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Derby Middle School

Wac1's Waterfall RSS

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3 points

Charlie was much happier at the beginnign of the story because, even though he had the same level of the intelligence at the beginning of the end, Charlie felt more depressed at the end the beginning. Charlie felt more clusless at the beginning of story which made him feel better, but by the end he knew how people really thought about him which really made him a depressed person. He thought that he had nice friends that made him laugh a lot, but he eventaully figured out that they were just making fun of him. Charlie was also happy in the beginning because by the end because he was happy that he was finally becoming smart. By the end of the story, Charlie realized that being smart was not as easy and as fun as he had always pictured it to be. When he was smart, he realized that people were always making fun of him and that people expect a lot more from people that are smart. That is why Charlie was happier at the beginning of the story.

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