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RSS Amg15

Reward Points:1
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1 point

Charlie hurt and understood a lot more at the end. While in some cases the knowledge standpoint could be done this was not one of those cases. While he understood book smart knowledge for a time he kept the “street smart” knowledge. He finally knew what pulling a “Charlie Gordon” was. It was when someone messed up horribly and did something ignorant. This hurt Charlie to know that his “friends” would always make fun of him. He also knew that people made fun of him often. His friends degraded him to. Sometimes they would get him drunk and laugh at how goofy and profound he had acted. And after gaining all this horrible knowledge he still had his book smarts for a time. Only for a time though. He was amazingly smart and horrifyingly logical. That was his life dream. He had finally been given a wonderful goal and he had accomplished it. He lost his lifetime goal. When everything had fallen into place perfectly it kept falling. This dragged him lower and lower as he lost his mind power slowly. He was pushed into a deep, menacing depression and did nothing but eats and sleeps every day. No more work and no more anything makes life dull. He had instantly though of suicide for a large portion of this year. Suicide is when you’ve lost all hope and lost all of anything you’ve ever cared for. He even had to leave his home at the end of the story. Leaving the place you grew up in and knew can be hard. It ca be extra hard for someone who had already lost it all.

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